In art august challenge give it a go ideas ideas for you photo a day poppy poppy's post

August Photo-A-Day Challange

Hey, it's Poppy!
Today is the first of August- the start of a new month, the last month of winter. I was home sick today and I have been thinking about ways to make my week at home a bit more interesting (which is hard) and I only managed to come up with a few things (which is for another post). One of these things however was an August photo-a-day challenge. I did some research and there are some other challenges out there but I decided seeing as I have some extra time I may as well make my own.

How does it work?
Simply complete the daily challenge. You could then upload it to Instagram with the hashtag #poppyandmopphotoaug and share your amazing photos with everyone. If we get enough people interested we will probably share some of the photos here. We will only share your photo with your permission.

Really there are none- just take a photo every single day for the next 31. Just make sure they are your own photos. You don't even have to share it if you don't want to. Interpret the challenge any way you want- there is no wrong answer!

1- Something you love
2- Something hot
3- Something that is cold
4-Something green
5-Something made of wood
6- Something that is related to reading
7-Something that makes you smile
8-Something colourful.
9-Something from outside
10-Something you couldn't live without
11-Something that reminds you of a holiday
12-Something that is your favourite colour
13-Something that you have in your garden, or just outside your apartment.
14-Something music related
15-Something that you see everyday
16-Something blue
17-Something that has a number in it
21-Something you can eat.
19-Something from above
20-Something red
21-Something that only has two colours in it.
22-Something from below
23-Something soft
24-Something that is shorter than you.
25-Something that is only one colour
26-Something sweet.
27-Something from an unusual perspective.
28-Something that is taller than you
29-Something that casts a shadow
30-Something really small
31-Something that you've had for as long as you can remember.


QOTD: Fruit or Veggies?
AOTD: Fruit.

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xxxPoppy and Abi.