In black and white ideas photography poppy poppy's photography.
Experiments in Black and White
Posted on Monday, 27 February 2017
What do you think of
when you see something in black and white? For a lot of people it is a
nostalgia, memories. There is something about the honesty of a black and white
photo, it changes everything. Colour is no longer the main focus of the image,
suddenly the lines, shapes and patterns become much more noticeable. What you
think about when you see the image changes.
Personally, I love
black and white photos, they are so beautiful and it's almost like two
completely different images when comparing a black and white image to a colour
one. Today I want to share some photos I have taken, most of them a while ago,
and edited to be black and white.
Super busy week this week! And I should really be finishing my assignment for tomorrow now, but I took a break to write this quick blog post.
We've had this blog for nearly a year now (how exciting!) and I wanted to share links to my 3 all time favourite posts, enjoy.
1.Delicious Breakfast Smoothie Bowl
This was shared during the holidays, and I still love this smoothie bowl, unfortuently I can't have it as much now school has gone back.
2.Goodbye 2016
This post was one of my favouirtes to write, because it was nice to look back on the year- and a letter to 2016- I'm glad I found my inspiration for that.
3.Being a quiet person.
This post is by far our most popular one, and I think that is is my favourite- purely because it got my thoughts out there.
We've had this blog for nearly a year now (how exciting!) and I wanted to share links to my 3 all time favourite posts, enjoy.
1.Delicious Breakfast Smoothie Bowl
This was shared during the holidays, and I still love this smoothie bowl, unfortuently I can't have it as much now school has gone back.
2.Goodbye 2016
This post was one of my favouirtes to write, because it was nice to look back on the year- and a letter to 2016- I'm glad I found my inspiration for that.
3.Being a quiet person.
This post is by far our most popular one, and I think that is is my favourite- purely because it got my thoughts out there.
I have
been going through a bit of a hard time with
some people recently and I am sure everyone has been through something
similar at some point. It is a horrible
feeling, and can make simple things feel a lot harder. I am not going to share the story here as it
involves other people but I will share what I have learnt from the experience.
Maybe it will help you if you are going through something similar.
The main
thing I think that I learnt from this experience is that if you want something to change, you have to do
something about it. It may seem
easier to sweep everything under the rug and pretend that nothing ever changed
but this won't fix anything. You need to
stand up for yourself, and not let other people walk over you.
I have
also learnt how to deal with stress and managing my anger (because a lot of
this has made me really angry). I would have preferred not to go through this
horrible experience at all, but to draw something good from it- it has taught
me a few valuable skills;
with people I don't like
things, rather than replying in anger
most importantly, how to let something go and
move on.
more, which you can read about in this post.
If you are going
through something similar I would urge you to;
-tell someone, like a parent or teacher. Not
to make them fix it, but just to let them know what you are going through.
and be reasonable and calm. Don't reply when you are angry and always think
before you say.
give the other person the power to hurt you (easier said than done), don't
listen to what they might call you, and don't let them tell you that you did
something you didn't do.
In book review books poppy reading review
Book Review//Sophie's World
Posted on Monday, 13 February 2017
Last week I shared this post about how important reading is in our daily lives. And going back through some of our recent blog posts I realised I have never shared a full book review here! This seems a bit ridiculous considering how much I read (just look at these posts), but today that's going to change. I'm going to be sharing this review of Sophie's World.
Title: Sophie's World: A Novel about the history of Philosophy.
Author: Jostien Gaarder
You can find more information about the book here
As the book begins we find Sophie, just come home from school, receiving two letters in the mail. Each letter contains just one question, no return address and no sender. Simply 'Who are you?' and 'Where does the world come from?'. These questions get Sophie thinking, as they would anyone. As the story progresses Sophie receives more questions, each guiding her to think deep and complex thoughts. Soon enough, Sophie receives at thicker envelope, one filled with information from a person who introduces themselves as Sophie's philosophy teacher.
As Sophie delves deeper into the world and history of philosophy she begins to find herself questioning everything she has ever known. And when she starts receiving mysterious letters, addressed to another girl, Sophie has to use her new found philosophy skills to find out what the truth is, and who these letters are meant for. Resulting in her discovering a truth more complicated than Sophie could have imagined.
Secondly, the philosophy lessons were long and complicated, and at times it felt like it was a textbook. Some of the letters from the philosopher went for pages and pages, and took almost an hour to read, and they occasionally felt like they had been taken from a history book.
I also felt like Sophie was a bit obnoxious, towards the end of the book she began challanging things, which I get because she was learning philosophy, but when she was having conversations with the philosopher she was a bit rude and her parts of the conversation were unnessecary. It's hard to explain, but if you have read the book let me know if you agree below.
Finally the end of the book was, in my opinion, just weird and confusing, it kind of felt like I had been cheated- reading this book for so long and then the ending just being a let down. But don't let me tell you, if you want, give the book a go and let me know what you think of the ending.
I didn't enjoy the book, but I don't want to put you off reading it. I'd love if you'd let me know in the comments below what your thoughts on Sophie's world are, if you read it.
Title: Sophie's World: A Novel about the history of Philosophy.
Author: Jostien Gaarder
You can find more information about the book here
Plot Summary:
Sophie's World follows the life of 14-year-old Sophie as she begins to questions what she knows and comes to the edge of her understanding.As the book begins we find Sophie, just come home from school, receiving two letters in the mail. Each letter contains just one question, no return address and no sender. Simply 'Who are you?' and 'Where does the world come from?'. These questions get Sophie thinking, as they would anyone. As the story progresses Sophie receives more questions, each guiding her to think deep and complex thoughts. Soon enough, Sophie receives at thicker envelope, one filled with information from a person who introduces themselves as Sophie's philosophy teacher.
As Sophie delves deeper into the world and history of philosophy she begins to find herself questioning everything she has ever known. And when she starts receiving mysterious letters, addressed to another girl, Sophie has to use her new found philosophy skills to find out what the truth is, and who these letters are meant for. Resulting in her discovering a truth more complicated than Sophie could have imagined.
Things I enjoyed:
There were a few things I enjoyed about this book. To begin, the complicated and detailed plot was one the kept you guessing and wanting to know more throughout the whole story, even when it seemed like things were coming to an end. And the beginning of the book, with the way that the plot was introduced and the questions that Sophie received was interesting, engaging and got you hooked. I particularly liked the questions that Sophie was receiving, as they allowed me a chance to think as well.Things I did not enjoy:
Whilst the idea behind the book was a good one, and the plot was interesting there were several things I didn't like about it. To start with it was long. I am a reasonably fast reader and this book took me almost two weeks to read, perhaps not only because of the amount of pages, but also because it was dense and deep and required a lot of concentration to read- it was not a light read.Secondly, the philosophy lessons were long and complicated, and at times it felt like it was a textbook. Some of the letters from the philosopher went for pages and pages, and took almost an hour to read, and they occasionally felt like they had been taken from a history book.
I also felt like Sophie was a bit obnoxious, towards the end of the book she began challanging things, which I get because she was learning philosophy, but when she was having conversations with the philosopher she was a bit rude and her parts of the conversation were unnessecary. It's hard to explain, but if you have read the book let me know if you agree below.
Finally the end of the book was, in my opinion, just weird and confusing, it kind of felt like I had been cheated- reading this book for so long and then the ending just being a let down. But don't let me tell you, if you want, give the book a go and let me know what you think of the ending.
Finishing it up
To finish this review I just want to let you know that I don't like being negative and saying that a book is horrible, and I have tried not to do this with Sophie's World.I didn't enjoy the book, but I don't want to put you off reading it. I'd love if you'd let me know in the comments below what your thoughts on Sophie's world are, if you read it.
In 2017 camping holidays photo photography poppy poppy's photography
Camping- January 2017
Posted on Thursday, 9 February 2017
It's gotten to that time, I'm sure you know what I mean. The start of the school year is alright, meeting your new teachers and getting to know your classrooms, but most of all not having any stress! But by now you've gotten used to everything and exactly how long the school year is going to be has set in. (It always makes me wonder how we get through every class of every day- that's almost 200 days!).
I'm starting to miss the endless nothings of the holidays. Which makes this the perfect time for a holiday post.
I've (finally) gotten around to editing all the photos from my summer camping trip, and today I am going to be sharing some of my favourites (plus some stories) with you.
But first I'd better explain. Every year my family go camping with 4 other families in the last week of the school holidays. For the last 8 (I think?) years we've gone to the coast. But this year we went inland, to a river north of Sydney in New South Whales.
It took a while to find, but the camping spot was amazing. It was a private property right on the river, with a stunning tree avenue and countless piles of things to explore. The first few days were incredibly hot, 40 degrees Celsius on one of them! So the river was the best place to be. The cooler days were perfect to take photos on, I reckon I could have spent hours and hours just looking at things to take photos of. Even as it was, I ended up with almost 500 photos to sort through. I haven't been through all of them yet, but I've had a quick look and picked some of my favourites for you. Enjoy xx.
Let me know if you liked these photos in the comments below!
In books enjoy ideas love me personally poppy read reading share thoughts
Posted on Tuesday, 7 February 2017
I hope that anyone who started school last week had a good week (or as good as it could be). I've just started my 10th year of school, which in Australia, is the 3rd year of high school. (back to school posts can be found here)
The other day I was sitting in my English class, listening to my teacher talk about reading and how important it is that everyone is reading. It got me thinking, and although I might not have listened to the rest of her speech about reading, I was thinking about how important it is in my life. If you'd like to see some of the things I've been reading, check out these posts.
You think you don't read much?
A lot of people my age say they hate reading, or never read. But that is not true. You read everyday. Just think about it for a minute. You are reading this right now. But you also read when you turn on your phone to check social media, or when you get a text. You absentmindedly read all the signs and advertisements around you. Reading is such an important and significant part of your life, and you don't even realise it.
Think for a second, back to before you started school and learnt to read. Do you remember what it was like? I don't. But I can image it would be like being in a foreign country, where they speak a language that you don't understand- perhaps one with different letters or characters. So many people don't realise how much of an impact reading has on their lives, but it is just as important or significant, perhaps even more than numbers. But even then don't you read numbers too?
Why should you start reading?
Anyway, the main reason I am writing this post is because reading is such a huge part of my life, and I want to share that with you, and if reading isn't a big part of your life- I hope that I can inspire you to give it a go.Reading a wide variety of things (from newspapers to blogs, novels to magazines) improves you vocabulary dramatically. You learn many different words, and the context they are used in, and this will translate and be evident in any writing that you do, and even in your everyday conversations.
Reading is also the best way to improve your spelling, which once again translates into your writing. (and when you have in class tests, it is reasonably valuable to know how to spell all those amazing words you hear.)
Why is reading such a big part of my life?
To be honest I don't really know. But I have always read, since I was little I have read for a while each night before I got to sleep, it is just normal in my family.And I really enjoy it, it is something I can spend hours doing on the weekend or in the holidays, and generally speaking I never really find it boring.
Reading is a way of escaping, it gives us somewhere to go when we have to stay where we are. Through reading you can visit thousands of different worlds, without having to travel for even a minute.
Why is reading disappearing?
Most people don't read for fun. They don't enjoy, or have never tried, picking out the book at the shop and spending hours transported into another world. Personally, I believe that this is because we are so caught up with other things, and everyone is so busy. All the time that used to be spent reading is now taken up by social media or browsing the internet. I'm 100% not saying that you shouldn't still use the internet and social media. I just think that it is important that we still find time to do other things (like reading).Another possible reason for how unpopular reading has become, could be schools. At the moment, we are constantly being told that we should be reading and we need to read everyday. And one way that is almost certain to make someone less likely or motivated to do something is to tell them they have to. By making 15 minutes of reading each night compulsory, or forcing books onto people, schools may just we working in the wrong direction.
One of my least favourite parts of school is having to read novels in class. The main reason for this being, that I find them boring. They always seem to choose the least interesting books for us to read in class, and really that is not going to help encourage anyone to start reading. (and this paragraph is the actual reason I wrote this post)
Tying it up
It really frustrates me how people make it so loud when they hate or don't like something. Reading is something I really like, and I am perfectly fine if you don't want to read or have no interest in it. But I hope that you have read this and are aware of what you are missing out on by choosing not to read.
qotp: do you like reading? why?
I started my 10th year of school on Tuesday, this being the third year of high school in Australia. It's always a struggle to get back into routine, especially if you've been sleeping in super late during the holidays. Fortunately I never really sleep in, the latest I've ever slept till being about 8:30, after being up till almost two. This makes it much easier for me to adjust back into getting up early, although it still isn't much fun. Today I am going to be sharing my typical weekday morning routine, I'd love to hear what makes school mornings easier for you in the comments below!
6:15am- Alarm goes off, get up (which could take a few minutes), and make bed.
6:20am- Start yoga (I am doing a 30 day yoga challenge at the moment, on youtube. more on that in another post.)
6:35-40am- Finish yoga, get dressed. (I usually iron my uniform and have it already out to make things easier.
6:45am- Do hair (would you like me to share a school hairstyles post?)
6:50-7:00am- Make lunch, and breakfast. (I usually have some berries and nuts for a snack, and a salad wrap for lunch, and this amazing smoothie bowl (sometimes only half) for breakfast)).
7:20-7:25am- Brush teeth, sunscreen and moisturiser.
7:35am- Pack bag, and fill water bottle.
7:55am- Leave for bus.
Hopefully you have some kind of routine to make the mornings easier, and I'd love to hear any tips you have in the comments below.
6:15am- Alarm goes off, get up (which could take a few minutes), and make bed.
6:20am- Start yoga (I am doing a 30 day yoga challenge at the moment, on youtube. more on that in another post.)
6:35-40am- Finish yoga, get dressed. (I usually iron my uniform and have it already out to make things easier.
6:45am- Do hair (would you like me to share a school hairstyles post?)
6:50-7:00am- Make lunch, and breakfast. (I usually have some berries and nuts for a snack, and a salad wrap for lunch, and this amazing smoothie bowl (sometimes only half) for breakfast)).
7:20-7:25am- Brush teeth, sunscreen and moisturiser.
7:35am- Pack bag, and fill water bottle.
7:55am- Leave for bus.
Hopefully you have some kind of routine to make the mornings easier, and I'd love to hear any tips you have in the comments below.
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