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Exams, Assignments, Tests- How do you stay on top of it all?

Hey there, just in case you didn't notice Mop and I have swapped posting days (so I now post on Wednesdays). Hopefully, Mop will start posting on Mondays from now on.

I am an organised person. I like things to be in order and I generally know when I have assessment coming up at school. But at this time of year, it seems a bit like all the teachers got together and decided to put all the semester exams within four days of each other. It is so hard to decide what you need to remember. Should I focus on these dates for history or the formulas for maths? So today I thought that I might share some of the ways I stay on top of this assessment.
1. Start revising early (don't worry months aren't always needed, just a few weeks will do)
2. Focus on what you don't understand. (have a look through your book and think about what you didn't understand, spend more time on that but make sure you spend a few minutes on the other things as well.)
3.Write all the important information on a piece of paper or notecard as if it was something you were allowed to bring into the test with you. Revise using this.
4. Teach it to someone else. A sibling or friend who would be willing to listen to you for awhile could be a valuable tool. Teach them the important information.
5. Hand-write it- This won't make you magically remember everything but hand-writing is proven to help you retain more information.

The image featured in the background of the header of this post was found on as a free image. 

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