In bullet journal comments photography photos poppy poppy's bullet journal thank you

Bullet Journaling

Thankyou for all your lovely comments on Monday after I posted about being a quiet learner. I'd love to know if you would like to see more of that type of post, you can let me know in the comments below. Today I wanted to share some of the reasons that I enjoy bullet journaling and (finally) some photos of my bullet journal. I've also been thinking about changing the direction of this blog a bit so that it is more focused on certain areas and less 'about everything'. For November, I am going to start focusing more on 'issues' than just a bit of everything.  If you think this is a good idea please let me know.

For me bullet journaling is a way to cope with the sometimes mountainous to-do lists I have. I am always paranoid that I have forgotten something, or to do something and a Bullet Journal is a way I have found to make sure that this paranoia is less common. Bullet journaling more than just an excellent way to keep track of things, it also gives me time to de-stress, take some time out, and (most importantly) have some me-time (that isn't doing something for the blog, or school). Each week I get at least an hour where all I do is bullet journaling, and that is a great thing for me. I know that not everyone may see bullet journaling this way, and for some people it might just be a way to keep track of things. But I find that it really helps me de-stress (in case you hadn't noticed I am a planner, and not knowing something drives me crazy) to have a clear plan of my week.

Bullet journaling  also helps me to balance my time between school, blogging, sport and time-out time. It gives me a clear idea of what I need to do, and stops me doing things that really didn't need to be done. (especially for school). And it also helps me be positive. I have a section that I record my favourite part of each day, even if it is as simple as 'sitting in the sun', and starting next month I am going to have a positive part of today log.

Hopefully you can see just how much I find bullet journaling useful now. I really encourage you to take it up, even just for a week in a scrappy-old notebook. Just give it a go and see what you think, I am almost certain you will find it just as useful as I have.

Today I am (finally) going to share some pictures of my bullet journal. If you would like to see more photos of any of the pages, just let me know...enjoy!

This is my monthly spread, kind of like a calendar, where I record all the things I have coming up. I also have a section for next month, notes and goals.

For each month I have a reading log, where I record all the books I have finished during the month.

Below the task section of every day I have a small area to record the weather and the date.

I have a section this size for each day of the week, to record any tasks, to-do's, events and other information.

Last week I trialed having a study schedule at the bottom of each day, this didn't really work so I am not continuing with it anymore.

Instead I am using this study grid. At the beginning of the day I draw around each of the subjects I need to study, or complete homework for, with a felt tip marker. When I complete what I needed to do for that subject I colour in the box with a coloured pencil.

What kinds of things do you have in your bullet journal?

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xxxPoppy and Abi.