Motivation :
"Be the girl who decided to go for it"
I have been trying to become more internally motivated recently. I have decided that I want to rely less on other people and finding my motivation through them, I want to be able to be independent and be self-motivated.
It is a valuable skill to be able to motivate yourself. To find a reason to do something not because other people want you to, but because you do.
This article says that "internal motivation is seen when a person undertakes an activity for its own sake without any external reward." I think this definition sums it up perfectly. Being internally motivated means that you don't seek external gratification for what you do and you don't need to be rewarded for an activity.
Having internal motivation is a valuable skill throughout your entire life. Being able to do something simply for the sake of doing it, rather than relying on others to offer you a reward for completing a task, is a valuable skill at school and in the workplace.
Below I have listed the 3 things you can do to find internal motivation.
Stop comparing yourself to others
When you stop comparing yourself to others you learn to stop determining your success based on how well you do compare to them. When you no longer care about your position in relation to others you instantly become more internally motivated. You are literally moving an external influence.Set realistic goals and expectations
Work out where you want to be. Having a clearly defined goal and understanding how you will be able to get there, and what is necessary to reach this goal, will lead to internal motivation. Once you set goals for yourself you will learn to do things because they will help you reach your goal - not because other people will value you for it.Always seek to improve
Begining a task because you want to improve is a sure way to create internal motivation. Always seeking to improve will meant that you are completing tasks because you want to learn rather than external motivators.It is a difficult task, to try and become internally motivated. But if you are able to master it, you will be much better for it.
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xxxPoppy and Abi.