In lifestyle reading

My favourite books

I talk a lot about reading, and it is something that is a huge part of my life. Reading has, and hopefully always will be, something that I do most days. I always try to make sure I have a little time for myself in the day and reading is the best way to do this.
Today I am going to share my 5 favourite books of all time (and I've included a few others that I really enjoyed when I read them at the end). I read fiction, most of the time realistic novels- with the occasional dystoptian thrown in.

1. Paper Towns
Paper towns is my all time favourite book (although the Fault in Our Stars was also pretty good). It is the perfect mix of funny, serious, sad, mysterious, intriguing and all around just perfect. I'm not that good at writing reviews, so check out these ones on goodreads.

2.We Were Liars
I read this book almost two years ago, and I have (when asked) said it is my favourite for a long time. I read a lot of really well written books, and the ones I enjoy are the memorable ones. This book was really memorable. It had a huge twist at the end and it left me in a bit of a state of shock- a good kind of shock. Thinking about it, the book probably isn't actually the book I have enjoyed the most- it just stuck out. Here are some reviews of it (be careful to avoid spoilers- you really don't want the end spoiled)

3. Amy and Rodger's Epic Detour
I read this book a while ago and I really enjoyed it- because it was different. It was similar to things I had read before and at the same time different and that made it all the more interesting. Here are some reviews of it.

4.The Yearbook Committee
This book was also one I read a while ago, and I have been told it is very much a modern version of the breakfast club. The book was a light read, and didn't take too long- but was enjoyable and memorable. Here are some reviews.

5.Enter Title Here
No- that is not a mistake. That is the actual name of the book. This book I read reasonably recently, and I enjoyed it. It felt real, and was very different- again memorable. Reviews are here.

Other books I have enjoyed:
Divergent series
The Hunger Games series
The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf (part of a series)

Do you enjoy reading? What are your favourite books?

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