

Hey everybody :) It's Mop. So a little while ago (aka yesterday) I saw this awesome video, which is part of a movement promoting women's voices within the UN.

Here is the link to the campaign: . The idea behind it is everyone shares a picture of themselves saying #WhatIReallyReallyWant. If you share yours, please tag us (

This is mine:
What do you really really want?

qotd: favourite movie made before 2000? aotd: not sure but probably Clueless just because
comment your answer

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  1. Thank you for sharing this video with us! I think the #whatireallyreallywant champaign is such a great idea!

    1. Hi Sarah :)
      No problem on the video. The campaign is a great idea to help girls all around the world. Glad you liked the post <3


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xxxPoppy and Abi.