"Photography is an art of observation.
It has little to do with the things you see,
and everything to do with the way you see them"
-Elliott Erwitt
I posted some
travel photography tips a while ago (if you haven't already, check it out here), and since then I have learnt so much more about photography. Today I am going to share some more travel photography tips (but you could really apply them to anywhere).
1. Take photos of people
I am guilty of this. I love taking photos of all the amazing things around me, I forget to take photos of my family at these places, and we when get home I only have 1 or 2 photos of the people I was travelling with- doesn't make for a very exciting scrapbook.
2. Use different angles
If you are going to a really well known place try and make your photos unique. Perhaps take one generic photo of the thing, and then experiment with different angles, get up close and take some detailed photos. Try and be unique, those photos are much more special.
3.Don't say "next time"
I'm also guilty of this. I walk past something and go "next time I walk past I will take a photo of that.". There is nothing you can do that is worse! There is no gurantee that you will walk past something again, and if you do maybe the light will be different and your golden opportunity is gone. If you see something, stop and take the photo!
4.Make sure you get photos of yourself.
A lot of photographers hate being in photos, and I'm included in that. But in 10 or 14 years time you will want to be able to shown people yourself when you were on holiday, if you make scrapbooks like I do you want to be able to look through it and see how happy you were. So make sure you get some photos of yourself too, which leads me to...
5.Ask people to take your photo
You kind of have to be careful, because you don't want anyone running off with your expensive camera and priceless photos, but if you are travelling and want a photo of the whole group, asking someone to take it for you. I always turn the camera to auto (or at least auto focus) to make it easier, and sometimes the photos aren't the best. But you never know! And having any photo of your group is better than not having any. And you can always fix the photos in post-editing. As long as the focus is OK you can fix the rest.
6. Don't try and be perfect. You kind of want your trip to be perfect, and all your photos to reflect that. But don't let "bad" things ruin your photos. So what if you are at the beach and it rains, get some shots of the drops on palm trees, or take advantage of the fact the water will be all but empty. Don't take photos for others, take them for yourself, of the things you loved and enjoyed.
Hopefully these tips have helped you, and while I am no expert I have done a lot of research about improving my travel photography. Enjoy your holiday! (or experimenting at home)
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