In lifestyle

Blogging Break

Hi guys,
for the next two weeks I'm not going to be able to post on Laotong because I won't have internet access.

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In photography

More Travel Photography Tips

"Photography is an art of observation. 
It has little to do with the things you see,
and everything to do with the way you see them"
-Elliott Erwitt

I posted some travel photography tips a while ago (if you haven't already, check it out here), and since then I have learnt so much more about photography. Today  I am going to share some more travel photography tips (but you could really apply them to anywhere).

1. Take photos of people
I am guilty of this. I love taking photos of all the amazing things around me, I forget to take photos of my family at these places, and we when get home I only have 1 or 2 photos of the people I was travelling with- doesn't make for a very exciting scrapbook.

2. Use different angles
If you are going to a really well known place try and make your photos unique. Perhaps take one generic photo of the thing, and then experiment with different angles, get up close and take some detailed photos. Try and be unique, those photos are much more special.

3.Don't say "next time"
I'm also guilty of this. I walk past something and go "next time I walk past I will take a photo of that.". There is nothing you can do that is worse! There is no gurantee that you will walk past something again, and if you do maybe the light will be different and your golden opportunity is gone. If you see something, stop and take the photo!

4.Make sure you get photos of yourself. 
A lot of photographers hate being in photos, and I'm included in that. But in 10 or 14 years time you will want to be able to shown people yourself when you were on holiday, if you make scrapbooks like I do you want to be able to look through it and see how happy you were. So make sure you get some photos of yourself too, which leads me to...

5.Ask people to take your photo
You kind of have to be careful, because you don't want anyone running off with your expensive camera and priceless photos, but if you are travelling and want a photo of the whole group, asking someone to take it for you. I always turn the camera to auto (or at least auto focus) to make it easier, and sometimes the photos aren't the best. But you never know! And having any photo of your group is better than not having any. And you can always fix the photos in post-editing. As long as the focus is OK you can fix the rest.

6. Don't try and be perfect. You kind of want your trip to be perfect, and all your photos to reflect that. But don't let "bad" things ruin your photos. So what if you are at the beach and it rains, get some shots of the drops on palm trees, or take advantage of the fact the water will be all but empty. Don't take photos for others, take them for yourself, of the things you loved and enjoyed.

Hopefully these tips have helped you, and while I am no expert I have done a lot of research about improving my travel photography. Enjoy your holiday! (or experimenting at home)

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In lifestyle

words that speak to you

I've only got a short post for today. I was looking through Pinterest the other day and all these quotes kept popping up. A lot of people like quotes, and it got me thinking about why. I think tat it has something to do with the way you connect to the words. The way that they speak to you in a certain way that makes you feel something. Something about the way the words have come together is magical and I love that.

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In Travel

Tips for Planning a Holiday

Planning a holiday is always an exiting thing to do – and it’s pretty important. Here are some of my tips for planning and researching the next place you are going.

1.       Research

There is a lot of information out there and one of the best things you can to is use it. Research the place you are going and learn about the way things work there, learn about the things that you don’t want to miss.

2.       Don’t just go the the tourist website.

Most places have one, a visit us website. While the website does have some information, and for certain things is super useful, they aren’t really going to tell you valuable tips and what to avoid. Try and find some blogs or something and read what people thought and the things they learnt from their trip.

3.       Make a list.

This isn’t for everybody. But I find that making a list of everything I want to do when I am somewhere makes sure we don’t miss out on anything we want to do. This is also great if you don’t want to make an itinerary.

4.       Have all your information with you

When you are travelling overseas you will need to pull your passport out about 5 times and you never know when you’ll need your hotel address, activates or transport details. My family always prints out al the information we need because that way we can bring it with us everyday, and we don’t need to worry about laptops.

5.       Research the public transport.

In most places, there is a really good public transport system and they have visitors passes for tourists. Research if the place you are visiting has one of these, because public transport is a great way to get to know a new place.

Happy planning,


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In lifestyle

TED talk- Getting Stuck in the Negatives.

A while ago now, I wrote a post about how people are always complaining. And the other day I came across this TED talk about getting stuck in the negatives. I found it really powerfull and hopefully you will too.

What do you think?


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In lifestyle

Why do people think they are better than others?

It's always been something that exists in our world. There is always someone who thinks they deserve something or are better than someone else. I'm sure we've all done it before. I should get to push in line because I deserve it, I'm better than you. I should get an extra 10 minutes on the test because that's what I want.

It happens a lot at school. People push in the bus lines, people disrupt the whole class, people are juts downright rude to others. And its all because they think they are better than someone else.

I think we need to change this attitude of entitlement. No, you are not entitled to force someone out of their bus seat because you are older. It doesn't matter your age, experience or race- we are all equal and we should treat each other that way. You wouldn't like it if someone did it to you, why do it to someone else?

This has been something that has bothered me for a while, and I've been trying to think of a solution (and can't!), I'm probably guilty of it too, but I think we should all try and be aware of it and do our best to treats other equally.

What do you think?


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In lifestyle

Septemeber Bullet Journal

With school and everything being so busy recently, I have started using my bullet journal again. For those of you who don't know what a bullet journal is check out this post.

As promised, here as some photos from my September setup!

This is my title page, I really enjoy choosing a theme for the month and working out cute ways to draw it. This months theme was succulents. (Which are harder to draw than they look)

These pages are my monthly calendar and habit tracker. This is a really good overview of the month and makes it a lot easier to see when you have events/not. 

This is an example of my weekly log. I have space for things for school, events and tasks. I love the way this page turned out!

Do you have your own bullet journal? 

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In lifestyle

Spring has Sprung!

Today, while it didn't feel like it, is the 4th day of Spring! I wrote a pretty premature post a few days ago talking about how much I love Spring, and I wanted to share a quote that reminds me of the magic of this beautiful season!

"Is the Spring coming?" He said. "What is it like?"...

"It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine..."

-Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden.

What is your favourite season?

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